His visceral inspiration from the grand german kabarett era mixed with his own background as a jazz singer and experience as a French club kid from the noughties evolved into a unique blend of expressionist and theatrical avant-pop.”Besides his own music production, Dagmarr regularly hosts a cabaret show called “Dagmarr’s Kabarett” in which, accompanied by a pianist, he performs classic tunes from the global cabaret songbook with an emphasis on Kurt Weill’s repertoire.‘’Dagmarr evokes an unfettered and elegant decadence unfelt since Moulin Rouge” – Matt Katz-Bohen, Blondie, Princess Goes To The Butterfly Museum.“The stellar Dagmarr’s Kabarett; A French singer and a British classic pianist giving us pure cabaret to sing us into the night” – Patrick Cash, QX Magazine.“Hersh Dagmarr is a fabulous artist and a great singer! Check him out!” – Mark Moore, S’Express“So much drama you won’t believe it’s not a drag queen show!” – Ethan Mechare, “